Online StoryMarketing Workshop for Design & Construct Builders

Do you have a Design & Construct business, and are you ready to streamline your Marketing & Sales?

Join this workshop if:

  • You’re a Design and Construct builder ready to build a long-term pipeline

  • You’re ready for clients to contact you first before any other service provider, so you can control the process of getting them to their dream home outcome.

  • You need help identifying your ideal clients (and you want to make sure there are enough in the marketplace)

  • You want to implement a conversion system that warms cold leads into warm qualified, educated prospects that see you as the expert (you need to do this before spending money on marketing).

What you'll gain:

  • A deep dive Workshop of the Proven StoryMarketing Strategy helping Design & Construction Builders streamline their Marketing & Sales.

  • The “How to Win Trust” exercise, so you’re seen as the right builder for your ideal clients.

  • “Identifying Ideal Clients” Exercise to ensure your ideal clients exist and there is a large enough market of them. (Using PPTG Framework)

  • Recommended Reading (the books that have had a massive profitable impact both personally and in business for our builder clients).

  • Follow Along Workbook (take notes and 10x what you learn)

What you will walk away with:

  • A deep dive Workshop video of the StoryMarketing Strategy you need as a Design & Construction Builder.

  • The “How to Win Trust” exercise, so you’re seen as the right builder for your ideal clients.

  • “Identifying Ideal Clients” Exercise to ensure the ideal clients you choose isn’t just a non-achievable dream you have, but there’s a market out there. (Using PPTG Framework)

  • “Finding the Biggest Opportunity for Builders Right Now” Exercise

  • Recommended reading (the books that have a massive impact both personally and in business for our builder clients)

  • Follow-along workbook (take notes and 10x what you learn)

Design & Construct Business need to do more than just build.

Many builders we have worked with over the years have the mindset that "the work will come if I just build good quality homes. Referrals will flood in."

As time goes on, they realise that it’s not that easy. You have to be able to generate your own clients and take control.

You need to identify your “Ideal Client.”

We see too many builders get “bad quality leads” because they never got clear on who their ideal client is.

Most builders use a shotgun approach to marketing and believe they can and should build for everyone.

The specialist always wins.

You need to make your Building company known.

Most builders live in Obscurity.

That means no one knows about them, and no one understands the value they provide and what they actually do.

If people don’t know about your business, they can’t do business with you.

You have to be able to get the attention of your ideal clients and cut through the noise.

You need to create an emotional connection.

Most builders just show “product”. They only show what they have built in the past.

Yes, this is important, but how are you creating an emotional connection with your ideal clients?

How do you channel what they desire to what you offer so they see you as the builder of choice?

Many of our clients find that when prospects now come to them, they have been selected as the builder of choice because of the strong emotional connection.

You need to attract & convert cold prospects into your world.

Most builders get enquiries about “price” and then complain they are getting the wrong leads.

Most builders simply have a “call us” or “email us” offer on their website.

You need multiple offers for your ideal prospective clients, depending on their stage. An offer they cannot refuse.

You need to nurture and “create” better clients.

Most builders think there are no good clients out there.

You need a system to nurture, overcome fears, build value, and, more importantly, create emotional buy-in from your ideal prospects.

This can take years and that is why you need an automated system.

You need to think long-term and “create” better clients by educating.

You need to qualify, qualify, qualify.

Most builders consistently take on bad projects and clients.

They find themselves taking on any project just to keep busy.

They never take the time to create a screening process to help them identify ideal clients.

Our clients believe in “saying no” and qualifying to the point where the prospect needs to sell themselves.

Sales Pipeline

Many builders have their pipeline in their heads.

They lay in bed wondering about what their pipeline looks like.

You need a structured pipeline so that you can be more confident in your business.


When will I get access to this workshop?

The official launch is on Feb 1, 2023 - If you decide to invest beforehand, we will send you the login details as soon as we launch.

Are you trying to sell a course or product at the backend of this workshop?

We don’t have a course or anything to sell you at the end. Once you have gone through the workshop and materials and if you feel like we might be a good fit to work together, you can reach out, and we can have the conversation.

How detailed will this workshop be?

Most businesses get lost in the details.

This workshop has been created with first and second-level principles in mind.

Our builder clients love this way of thinking because every building business is different, and by using 1st and 2nd-level principles, you can adapt the details to your business and get the most from it.

First and second principles thinking is very powerful because we don’t get confused or hung up on details that will not be relevant tomorrow.

We’re talking about the core fundamentals of marketing and buyer psychology.

Who in the business needs to go through this workshop?

If you have a marketing person in your business, it will be great if they watch it too. Still, in saying this, it’s extremely important for the owner/s of the business to go through the workshop to get clear on the fundamentals, how to choose ideal clients, and create a strategy moving forward.

I don’t have time to do the workshop.

Well, then, don’t do it.

But you will never end up having time.

If you want to win back time, you will reconsider what projects and clients you take on. If this is what you want, then this workshop will save you time in the future.

Will I have access to the replay?

You will gain access on the release date and have 24/7 access to the online version for 3 months.

Is this just for Design & Construct builders?

Yes, it is valid for all B2C Building Companies.

I’m not in Australia. Will this be relevant?

The core principles are valid for all B2C Builders.


When will I get access to this workshop?

The official launch is on 27/01/23. If you decide to invest beforehand, we will send you the login details as soon as we launch.

Are you trying to sell a course or product at the backend of this workshop?

We don’t have a course or anything to sell you at the end. Once you have gone through the workshop and the materials and you feel like we might be a good fit to work together, you can reach out, and we can have the conversation.

How detailed will this workshop be?

Most businesses get lost in the details.

This workshop has been created with first and second-level principles in mind.

This means we will run over the big picture strategy, the journey a client goes on and then we will drill down another level into each part.

Our builder clients love this way of thinking because every building business is different, and by using 1st and 2nd-level principles, you can adapt the details to your business and get the most from it.

First and second principles thinking is very powerful because we don’t get confused or hung up on details that will not be relevant tomorrow.

We’re talking about the core fundamentals of marketing and buyer psychology and creating simple plans for our ideal clients to move through the buyer journey with us.

Who in the business needs to go through this workshop?

If you have a marketing person in your business, it will be great if they watch it too. Still, in saying this, it’s extremely important for the owner/s of the business to go through the workshop to get clear on some of the fundamentals and choose ideal clients, strategy and the plan moving forward.

I don’t have time to do the workshop.

Well, then, don’t do it. But you will never end up having time. If you want to win back time, you will reconsider what projects and clients you take on. If this is what you want, then this workshop will save you time in the future.

Will I have access to the replay?

You will gain access on the release date and have 24/7 access to the online version for 3 months.

Is this just for Design & Construct builders?

Yes, however, if you’re running a building business, you will gain valuable knowledge. The fundamentals and principles are valid for all building companies that build for clients.

I’m not in Australia. Will this be relevant?

The core principles are valid for builders in different countries.

Join us in this workshop and make the next 12 months your best year yet.

Feb 1, 2023

What you will get:

  • A deep dive Workshop of the Proven StoryMarketing Strategy helping Design & Construction Builders streamline their Marketing & Sales.

  • The “How to Win Trust” exercise, so you’re seen as the right builder for your ideal clients.

  • “Identifying Ideal Clients” Exercise to ensure your ideal clients exist and there is a large enough market of them. (Using PPTG Framework)

  • Recommended Reading (the books that have had a massive profitable impact both personally and in business for our builder clients).

  • Follow Along Workbook (take notes and 10x what you learn)

Normally: $297

Pre-Order: $197

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